Below are Box office collection report of Bollywood Movie Dharam Sankat Mein With Budget and Hit or Flop status at also including of the film lead star cast:- Paresh Rawal, Annu Kapoor, Naseeruddin Shah.
First look Poster of Dharam Sankat Mein 2015 |
Last Update: | 2015 |
Dharam Sankat Mein (2014) Budget and Hit or Flop ? |
Total Collection:- | 10 Crores (Total Collection) |
Budget + P&A: | 19 Crores |
Profit: | Losing |
Theatrical Business Verdict: | Flop |
What�s Good in the film:The quirky fillers that come every now and then to save you from the otherwise predictable plot. It is releasing on nearly 800 - 1000 screens worldwide, film releases on 10th April, 2015. |
The Box Office Report of According to news & Media. |
Report of Daily Domestic Box Office Collection:- |
Friday (Opening Day) | 1.30 Crores | poor business on Day 1 |
Saturday | 1.80 Crores | Day |
Sunday | 1.90 Crores | Day |
- | - | - |
- | - | - |
Total: 10 Crore (All Times) |
India Collection:- |
- | - | - |
Total:10 Cr |